@article{oai:metro-cit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000085, author = {諏訪, 正典 and Suwa, Masanori and 田中, 敬司 and Tanaka, Keiji}, journal = {東京都立産業技術高等専門学校研究紀要, Research reports of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), The Japan International Birdman Rally has been held at Lake Biwa since 1977. Our team of TokyoMetropolitan College of Industrial Technology (CIT) participates in the glider section of this Rally since 1999. Asadvanced control techniques are required for the purpose of further extension of flight performance of the glider, apilot training system is necessary. On the other hand, a flight simulator for educational purposes has been developedat the Aerospace Engineering Course of CIT. By utilizing this simulator, the glider flight simulator for BirdmanRally has been manufactured. The development, primary functions and future topics of the simulator aresummarized in this paper.}, pages = {35--39}, title = {滑空機用飛行シミュレータの研究開発}, volume = {4}, year = {2010}, yomi = {スワ, マサノリ and タナカ, ケイジ} }