@article{oai:metro-cit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000059, author = {青木, 繁 and Aoki, Shigeru and 西村, 惟之 and Nishimura, Tadashi and 廣井, 徹麿 and Hiroi, Tetsumaro and 平井, 聖児 and Hirai, Seiji}, journal = {東京都立産業技術高等専門学校研究紀要, Research reports of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Welding is widely used for construction of many structures. It is well known that residual stressis generated in welding. Tensile residual stress degrades fatigue strength. Then, some methods forreduction of residual stress are developed and practically used. In this paper, a new method forreduction of residual stress using vibration during welding is proposed. Authors tried to use vibrationwith various frequencies. First, vibration with relatively low frequency is used. Second, ultrasonicvibration is used. Finally, random vibration is used. Tensile residual stress is reduced in all cases.Then, it is found that vibration with various frequencies is effective to reduction of residual stress.}, pages = {1--5}, title = {振動を利用した溶接残留応力の低減法(種々の振動数による検討)}, volume = {3}, year = {2009}, yomi = {アオキ, シゲル and ニシムラ, タダシ and ヒロイ, テツマロ and ヒライ, セイジ} }