@article{oai:metro-cit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000157, author = {中西, 泰雄 and nakanishi, Yasuo and 中西, 佑二 and Nakanishi, Yuji}, journal = {東京都立産業技術高等専門学校研究紀要, Research reports of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Differential forms are useful mathematical tools in physics and engineerings. Especially, first differential forms (total differentials) play an important role in deriving formulas in electro magnetics, elastic mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermo dynamics and so on. Moreover, differential forms often give simpler expressions for formulas expressed by vector fields, which lead to a deeper understanding of physical phenomena. In mathematics, however, the definition of differentialforms is based on the concept of tangent vectors, which is rather abstract for students of engineering,while the tangent vector can be defined as a certain set of curves. The basic idea of this paper is to define differential forms directly by curves. This new definition is not only simpler than the usual one but also connected directly to geometrical images of differential forms.}, pages = {18--32}, title = {曲線による微分形式の導入}, volume = {8}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ナカニシ, ヤスオ and ナカニシ, ユウジ} }