@article{oai:metro-cit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000128, author = {朝比奈, 奎一 and Asahina, Keiichi and 平野, 利幸 and Hirano, Toshiyuki and 伊藤, 聡史 and Itoh, Satoshi and 三隅, 雅彦 and Misumi, Masahiko}, journal = {東京都立産業技術高等専門学校研究紀要, Research reports of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "The most important purpose of engineering is to design; however, one important upstream task is styling design. While sketches, clay models and other analog models are said to be the most common media for styling design, it is becoming more common for manufacturers to use 3-D CAD data at this stage of design for their own products. For this reason, our department has begun to apply 3-D CAD in styling design and is looking into further digitization of the design process. Two prominent aspects of this are surface CAD and reverse engineering.Digitization of models, in either a 3-D surface model or during reverse engineering, will make the design available to users throughout the engineering process, and will enable users to shorten the time between development and commercialization. In addition, digitization provides more accurate data, enabling manufacturers to eliminate internal errors when it is time to make a model change.This report details the design curriculum of our department, which takes advantage of up-to-date equipment in the field of mechanical design."}, pages = {13--18}, title = {3次元CADの設計教育からデザイン教育への拡張}, volume = {6}, year = {2012}, yomi = {アサヒナ, ケイイチ and ヒラノ, トシユキ and イトウ, サトシ and ミスミ, マサヒコ} }